As campuses determine how to provide students with evening classes, they should consider integrating solar wayfinding signs and displays into their solutions.

Solar is the perfect choice for its affordability, flexibility, and changeability. New technology has put solar in reach for numerous projects.

Campuses should look to solar for the following uses:

  1. College Landmark Information Signs: Solar signs at major gateways not only provide a ‘WOW’ factor but light the area as students and faculty enter and exit the campus. IDS recently completed a powerful gateway sign for Marywood University.
  2. Parking: Solar bollards and signs are inexpensive and can highlight key areas in otherwise dark parking lots, potentially dangerous for incoming students and faculty.
  3. Temporary Illuminated Kiosks: Temporary, moveable displays and kiosks providing important information can move to solar. This change is exceptionally cost-effective and works seamlessly in any environment.
  4. Solar Illuminated Paths: Solarpost and Solareye products can effectively light trails and paths, giving students and faculty a sense of security as they travel from building to building. Our range extends to solar-powered illuminated benches and seating with Solar Smart Bench.
  5. Identification with Solar Wayfinding Signs: Solar landmarks can identify buildings and building entrances with a light touch. These solar signs can also add an artistic feel to the building itself, turning it into an attractive architectural landmark.

Solarpost Solar Signs

Universities and Community Colleges should develop a solar wayfinding strategy for their signs when bringing students back to campus. As students return and social distancing remains protocol, it will be crucial for everyone on campus to navigate with little-to-no human contact during their travels.

IDS is the leading national provider of solar-powered signs with installations spanning from industrial parks and hospitals to college campuses.

Contact ID Signsystems to develop an attractive and cost-effective solar lighting strategy.

Photos used with permission from

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